or liposculpture is a non invasive procedure done under local anesthesia with oral sedation, or under spinal or epidural anesthesia, to treat unsightly fat deposits, and restore a harmonious curvy silhouette to your body.
if you have lax or saggy skin you are not a candidate for liposuction.
The fat aspirated is exercise and diet resistant. In men it is very often the love handles, chest and abdomen. In women it is the saddle bags waist and inner thighs areas.
The treated areas by liposuction are the jowls, the neck and lower face, the chest. The dorsal rolls, on the back under the bra, the arms, the belly, love handles, hips inner thighs, outer thighs, knees, calves and ankles.
The liposuction is done through 3 mms well hidden skin incisions, the tumescent technique is used, it consists by infiltrating normal saline fluid containing local anesthetic with adrenaline to obtain a tensed well-filled skin, then depending on the areas to be treated,
Vaser liposuction:
Dr Audi might use the vaser energy to emulsify the fat, he will take into account if this a primary or a second liposuction, and the presence of fibrotic areas, In the vaser liposuction it will permit to extract more fat in a more gentle way respecting the connective tissue attachment of the skin this will lead to quicker skin retraction and faster results.
consists by extracting the fat by a pneumatically or electrically driven reciprocating cannula doing a nutational movement. It gives superior results in redo or fibrotic areas, and it is great for sculpting areas .
The six packs vaser liposuction:
Some patients male and female are asking for a six packs liposculpture. It is done when the abdominal skin is not too loose, the vaser energy is used to remove the superficial fat along the skin markings of the six packs. Then with a liposuction cannula the dermis is thinned along these line, creating the skin shadows of a six pack.
Liposuction is not a method to lose weight, also even in large volume liposuction, your body weight will not decrease. Also cellulite will not improve or disappear after liposuction as well skin sagginess, Dr Audi will recommend other solutions for these conditions
Immediately after your liposuction surgery:
you will be leaking red or orange tincted fluid from the incisions for one or two days. You will apply dry gauzes on the incisions. You will be wearing a compressive garment for 6 weeks.
The first two weeks:
you should be resting quietly , numbness and pain in the treated areas as well bruising and swelling are normal. Avoid salt and sugars for the first 2 weeks.
No sports or intense physical activity is permitted up to six weeks.
Swelling will slowly decrease and some residual swelling may last up to 4 months.
The results of liposuction surgery are technically permanent because fat cells have been removed. However, you should maintain your body weight and watch your diet. Following liposuction, if you continue to eat excess calories, fat will no longer be stored in the cells that have been removed, but will be stored in other body areas. You will accumulate fat in a proportionate way all over your body, but the bulges will not come back again.
The basic message: keep your weight stable for a long lasting result.
Fortunately, significant complications from liposuction surgery are infrequent. Your specific risks will be discussed during your consultation.